Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blessings from Above

I know five pregnant ladies. Four due in May, one in March. Amazing! Since being pregnant, I am just so intrigued and mesmerized by pregnant women. How incredibly strong they are! What a miracle it is that God has created our bodies to foster a human being's life!

I am visiting my grandparents with Elisha in Chambersburg today. I drove down Letterkenny Road for what may be one of the last times! They are planning to sell their home and move into a retirement community. So naturally, Grandma and Grandpa are sorting through the attic and basement and everything in between. Today at lunch, Grandma oh-so-casually brought up something she had for me that brought tears to my eyes.

"When your mother was in physical therapy at Cherry Tree in Hanover, they brought in crafts for the patients to paint. One of the times the project was a shelf, and after she painted it and brought it home, she said to me, 'I want you to give this to my first grandchild.'"

It was painted in the fall of 2000- two years before Mom went to be with the Lord. It is blue. Can you imagine? Can you imagine how blessed I feel by this gift from my mother- who knew to paint it blue for my son nine years before he was born because God placed it in her heart to do so?

Don't we serve an awesome God?

Here's another highlight from our day with Grandma :)


CarolynMcK said...

Oh my goodness. Your family's story is so powerfully moving. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord.

mrs schneider said...

oh girl. this is great.
i love that the Lord works in these sort of ways. i pray peace over your family...wish we could hang out! love you.

Marla Rourk said...

Wow Adriane, this one brought tears to my eyes as I thought of your mother. Even though it's been 10 years (wow I didn't realize how long it was) I still remember her from all the Horst Reunions... That is so special and what a blessing that God has given you through that, just as a little reminder that you will always have of her. Obviously there are many, but He knows that it helps us to have something physical. That is amazing, just as He is... Thank you so much for sharing this. I loved it and enjoyed it very much...